Friday 22 June 2012


I, a devoted wife and mother of 2 have a great passion for cooking, and not to mention baking. So a group of dear friends have put me up for a challenge which is to make my dream a reality, by starting this blog. To be quite honest, I think that this is the push that I have always needed.

I’ve always talked about how I would love to write a cook book and have my own patisserie, i have never materialised it.  I want the world to enjoy what my family and I do every night, at the same time to tells people the truth about Arab cooking as the recipes are authentic, and this is my mission and  my project.   Well as for the patisserie, it a dream and that I hope one day I can make a reality, but until then the plans will remain as a plans, until that day comes.

I remember as a child being with my grandmother (rest her soul), always pushing her in the kitchen to see what she was doing, she is my inspiration and the rock that I had.  The same goes for my mother she too was and is there and has always shown me the true meaning to cooking.  Its got to come from the heart, cooking is a passsion just like art.  You have to crave it to do it, this is how I look at it. 

Passion + the correct recipe = great food

My plan is to write a recipe a week, that is full of flavor and with a pinch of true aroma that speaks for the heart, which in return I hope that you and your loved ones will enjoy. Comments are extremely welcome.

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